Toy Example

A simple glimpse into the tool.

Before reading this part make sure you have successfully completed the tool installation:

To get a sense of how the tool works we have assembled a small toy example that you can play it with so you can understand how to operate the tool in a few quick steps. If all goes well, you should see results in 5 minutes.

Download the following file and unzip it :

The zip contains 3 files :

  • design.csv

  • toy_data_reads.fastq

  • config.json

Next, If the tool is not running then run it using :

$ docker run -p 5000:5000 solqc/tool:0.1

And open your browser and go to here:


Once your on this screen :

Upload the 3 files, using the 'choose file' button, each to its own relevant box (design.csv, config.json, toy_data_reads.fastq). So now, your page should look like this (Notice the change in the last column) :

Keep the default configurations and press the submit button at the bottom of the screen :

If all went well, then a few seconds later you should see the following page:

This means the tool preformed an analysis on the given the data and returned

  1. A report containing the requested analysis (in our case - generalAnalysis, variantDistribution)

  2. A csv file containing the frequency count for each variant in the design.

Congratulations! You have just made your first SOLQC report!

Last updated